Going on a diet is always a daunting task, and not the most effortless. Counting calories and cutting out foods can be exhausting and make it difficult to stay on track, especially when those cravings hit. But there are some simple ways to change your eating habits to lose a couple pounds.
Drink a glass of water before each meal
It will help fill you up and curb the appetite you're feeling from dehydration.
Eat your veggies first
You should eat your plate in this order: veggies, protein, carbs. That way once you get to the fattier stuff you won't be nearly as hungry (a.k.a. fries are last)
Plan ahead
When your left with no food or groceries, you resort to any option available. So planning your meals at least a day in advance will help in the long run.
Order first when eating out
That way even though you're intrigued and mouth watering over your friends picks, you've already chosen your healthy meal. And there's no going back now! ;)
Don't eat out of the bag! Or carton!
You may not notice how much you're eating when you're eating a large portion of ice cream or chips, so put it in a bowl. You'll feel better about yourself after knowing you didn't eat that entire carton of Ben & Jerrys.
Ween yourself off cream and sugar coffee
If you have multiple coffee a day like I do, that also adds a lot of fat and sugar. So start with just cream, or just sugar, you'll get used to it eventually and be disgusted by those extra extra orders.
Eat a hearty breakfast
Your breakfast should consist of carbs, protein, and fats. It gets you off to a good start. (Also part of the Bikini Body Guide)
Go for the spices, not the sauce
Most sauces are high in sugar or salt, spices and herbs give a natural flavor without the extra calories and sugar.
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