Tuesday, January 26, 2016

How To Pack Stress Free

Having a special trip looming in the distance can only mean one thing: packing, a very precisely packed suitcase. How many outfits will you need? How many dinners will you be going to?? Will the weather be warm or cold, or in between??? Do I need a jacket????!!!!

Well cool it, I've got your back. Here's my step by step guide to packing.

Check the weather

The weather app in your phone forecasts the weather for the next 10 days, and there's not much more information than you can get than that. So take in to account the temperature at your destination before setting yourself on any outfits

Have a plan

Try and get an idea as to how many fancy dinners you'll be going to and how many special events you'll be attending, the rest doesn't matter. If you balance your outfits out enough between stylish and casual a.k.a. street style, you can get away with any casual outfit you pack anywhere. 

Make a checklist

Make a checklist of how many shirts you'll need, how much contact supplies, how many shoes, etc. That way you won't pack too light or too heavy. 

Choose your outfits

Depending on how many days and nights you'll be there, choose one day outfit, and add a top or an accessory that can evolve it into a night outfit as well. Also keep in mind you may not stick to the chosen outfit depending on any weather changes, so bring a jacket and shoes for weather that will go with about anything. 

Packing the outfits

In order to save as much space as possible, I like to lay the outfits out like so: starting from the bottom - pants, shirt, intimates. Then I roll them up into a clothing burrito and toss them in my suitcase. Trust me, its a huge space saver. If you think this may damage an item or wrinkle it to no end, then roll the rest of your outfit, and lay the item on top of everything at the end.


Shoes are difficult to pack, I roll my outfits to make room for the shoes really. Whichever way they can fit, toss them in 

Packing the extras

By extras, I mean cosmetics, intimates, accessories, toothbrush and toothpaste, contacts, etc. You get the point. After packing my outfits, I put my bras and panties and maybe bathing suits in the extra space, who cares if that stuff get crumpled. Then I put a bag of my cosmetics and a bag of my bathroom necessities in a plastic bag or two. This keeps any potential leaks from ruining your clothes. Then I put it in a side pocket in my suitcase to give some extra distance. 

Flip dirty clothes inside out

That way when you get back home you know for sure which clothes are dirty and theres no wasting laundry loads

Viola! You're packed! Wasn't that hard was it? Just make sure to set aside maybe an hour or less to plan and pack everything. 

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Maira Gall