Sunday, January 17, 2016

My Favorite Salad

"Salad". The word sometimes makes you cringe, why eat a load of vegetables when you can have a hefty sandwich for lunch? Or a boat load of pasta for dinner? So needless to say I feel obligated to share a good salad when I find one. My recent favorite: Kale Apple Salad

It doesn't have anything too crazy in it which is always nice. It's just a mix of kale and lettuce. The other toppings include walnuts, raisins, goat cheese, and apples... yum?! Alongside it has a honey poppy seed dressing. The dressing can't normally be found in store but I think it would go well with any salad, a recipe for it can be found here. The proportions are about 1/2 cup of "toppings" to every 3 cups of greens. Aside from the goat cheese, which is probably about a 1/4 cup. Hope you love it as much as I do!

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Maira Gall