Winter break... the most sought after yet regrettable time for a college freshman. After weeks of stressing and agonizing over the idea of finals (not to mention your first ever college finals, bit terrifying), you finally made it. The exams are over, even if your exam was at the last possible time slot. Ugh. But you're done, its over. Mama, I'm comin' home!
Your parents roll up the car and you pack away excessive amount of clothes into the trunk for what seems like an eternal 5 week break. But that's all fine with you, you can't wait for real meals, a normal sized bed, and your dog to ecstatically greet you at the door. Not to mention the friends you haven't seen in months. But then you remember, what about the friends I've made at school? You've all become so close, hopefully that won't change in your 5 week absence. I mean after all, you still have the group message. That thing has never failed to set your phone off 24/7, why would it stop now? Now for the winter break breakdown -
Finally, the arrival, there's your puppy, just as you expected. Not at all confused as to who you are, and bouncing off the walls is an understatement. Mom is making your favorite dinner to perfection, you have a full sized TV to binge on Grey's Anatomy (for the second time..), and you have an entire your self...UNIMAGINABLE! This is going to be a great vacation...for a week or so.
After a week or so, your siblings get on your nerves almost as much as your parents do. You have just about half the freedom and social life as you did it school. And couch potato-ing is getting old. The best friends you had from high school are still there, but the other ones seem to not be around as much as they used to. And you miss the fun times in your dorm room with your school friends. How much longer can you sit in this house??
Week 3: Mom is officially slacking on the cooking ("yes I am aware I am a spoiled brat"), you're closing in on the 6th season of Grey's Anatomy, and there is some SERIOUS weight being put on. Not to mention the lacking existence of your social life. And you just want your group chat back together!! Must. Get. Back. To. School.
Week 4: So close, yet so far. You've had so much free time you almost wish you had school work...almost. You've been putting in extensive energy into internships and job searches. And you've even attempted the hardcore gym thing, to no avail.
Week 5: THIS IS IT! You're going back next week, more excited than you were to come home. Although, you are savoring the peace and quiet of your room and the endless availability of free, non-dining hall food (thanks Mom and Dad). You're hanging out with your best friends for the last couple times. And although you'll miss them, you have NO intentions of coming back until they force you out of your dorm for spring break. The group chat notifications about being reunited are absolutely endless.
Then it's time, you're packing up even more clothes than you came with, cuddling your dog until you can't anymore, and you head out the door. Sure you're excited to go back, but there's a little tinge that will make you miss home. I guess its true after all, you always want what you can't have. Oh well, you'll be back soon enough. When the group chat is finally reunited, you all have major plans for your first weekend back. It's gonna be an amazing second semester. But...what the HELL are you gonna do for summer break. That's a whole other story.
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